Once upon a time there was a luthier

Although some linguists showed their preferences for the words guitar players or viol players to talk about this noble trade, it is the term luthier or, Castilianizing it, luthier that has been imposed to designate the person who builds, repairs, restores plucked or rubbed string instrument.

Every self-respecting guitarist and any music lover in general can only admire the work of these artists, of these creators of works of art called guitars, violins, mandolins, lutes...

My small tribute to this guild is going to be reduced to selecting some of the luthiers whose work has touched my fiber as a guitarist in one way or another without implying the slightest disdain for the rest of the luthiers who deserve, and have, all my admiration and my respect.

Tony Zemaitis

April 10, 1935, London, UK – August 17, 2002, Chatham, UK

Luthier británico de Londres conocido sobre todo por sus guitarras eléctricas «metal top», utilizadas algunos de los músicos de rock más famosos de la historia;  a mí personalmente me fascinan sus modelos de acústicas de seis y doce cuerdas que hicieron famosas estrellas como Georges Harrison o Donovan.

Jeffrey Yong

November 29, 1958 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Luthier known for his use of local Malaysian wood, such as monkeypod (rain tree, campano, cenízaro, ashtray, couji de Caracas, samán or tamarind, is a botanical species of tree up to 20 m, with a high and wide canopy, with large and symmetrical crowns lame, mango), rambutan and blackwood (granadillo) from Malaysia.

Chris Larkin

1949 – 2018

Irish luthier, his impressive basses and electrics are highly appreciated, but logically I am fascinated by his exquisitely crafted acoustics and a sound as powerful as it is magical, I know what I am talking about because I have one.

Juanjo Llorente

In love with wood from an early age, first cabinetmaker and transporter in a guitar shop in Madrid, it didn't take long for him to go to the workshop and start building instruments that would eventually become his "Damas".

My deepest tribute also to the Spanish guitar makers who continue to make this instrument a work of art. A brief and very incomplete list in alphabetical order:

Guitarras Francisco Bros:

Juan Luis Cayuela:

Felipe Conde:

Manuel Contreras:

Ángel Gómez de Guillén:

Guitarras Manzanero:

Guitarras Ramirez:

José Rodríguez:

Manuel Rodríguez:

Guitarras Raimundo:

Finally, the luthier who made the Spanish guitar that I turn to when it comes to recording classical guitar touches.

Julián Rabaza

Julián Mario Rabaza, Argentine luthier recognized for his long career and work done. His inspiring teachers were Antonio Torres, Enrique García, José and Manuel Ramirez, Francisco Simplicio, Santos Hernández, Domingo Esteso, since beautiful guitars made by these outstanding Spanish builders passed through his hands, as restorer of the only importing house Romero y Fernández.

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